Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Video Review: Shiver
This is my video review of Shiver by Maggie Steifvater. I hope you enjoy it. It was kind of awkward but I will steadily get better. I hope everyone has a great day!
P.S.- This will be my last post for this week because I am really busy preparing for something important. All my posts, memes, and reviews, will be back to normal by Monday. I hope everyone has a great week!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Teaser Tuesday
Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hostbed by MizB over at her blog
" I prayed for," she said dully. "He was my special boy. I went to the sept and prayed seven times to the seven faces of the god that Ned would change his mind and leave him here with me. Sometimes prayers are answered."
Jon did not know what to say. "It wasn't your fault," he managed after an awkward silence.
Her eyes found him. They were full of poison. "I need none of your absolution, bastard."
A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
Monday, June 27, 2011
Musing Mondays # 2
This week’s musing asks…
Have you ever read a book that inspired you to take up a cause? What book was it, and what is/was the cause?
The Diary of a young Girl : Anne Frank would have to be the most influential book that caused me to take up a cause. I remember specifically when I first read the book in 8th grade. I was not overly interested in reading the book when it was given as an assignment. I thought to myself "Who wants to read this 1900s something Diary anyway?" . I was wrong . Everyone was reading the book and I decided to pop it open to see what really was inside...
It talked about a girl name Anne who was Jewish girl during the Holocaust period. It talks about her ups and downs describe Anne a real Jewish girl. Reading that book I felt so close to her. IT hurt that something like the Holocaust could happen in our society. I hate to admit I was upset and cried when I found out the end. It would have been ok ( or maybe not) if the book was fictional but it was about a real girl, a girl like me. Anne experienced everything all while being persecuted for her religion. I hoped that nothing like that would ever happen again . I made a promise to myself I should not ever judge anyone based on the looks, race, or religion. To have an open mind to everything .
From that time I have always followed by that rule in my heart.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Book Blogger Hop
Book Blogger Hope is a weekly book blogger ...PARTY! I think this is one of the best part of the blogging community..Its a PARTY to get to meet all your fellow book blogging buddies.
This is my first time participating so I am fairly new to this. So here I go!
“When did you realize reading was your passion and a truly important part of your life?”
When I was younger around 5 or 6 , I was never what you would describe as an avid reader. In fact I had trouble reading any book . It was worse subject when I was younger and I remember the time vividly that I got suckered into the reading program for that summer some how. Following the next year books started to get my attention but I was never really into books. My love of reading did not start until I was 9 years old. My best friend at the time lent me a Harry Potter book and it was love at first sight.
I think when I reached 5th grade that my obessesion with books became more prononuced. You would find me constantly in the library at school even during the time we had recess and gym. Every waking moment of my 5th grade life was spent in that library. It got to the point anything I mean anything I could get my hands on I would read. I became as known the bookworm in the family. Books stacked p in my room in my shelves, im my drawers where clothes were supposed to be folded , under my bed, in my closet, in my pillow, in my book bag, and on my bed. Every nook and cranny was filled to the brim with books.
I steadily got older ( don't we all?) and my reading about 13 books a week dwindled to about 2 or 3 per week or even at times a month. High school became even more complicated trying to keep up with school work and our assigned readings ( which I did enjoy) and the books I wanted to read. I think half of my high-school years. I spent blasting music and podcasts in my ears. My book obsession began again when my friend decided Twilight by Stephanie Meyer was the best thing ever and thought I would love the book . I think and I hate to say this, I was the one helped spread the Twilight craze in my school. I just gushed about Twilight every where I went. Talked about the movie with friends on who is was who. Robert Pattinson as Edward I did not like at first but since the movie I have grown to love him and hate the girl who plays as Bella ( Kristian Stewart) with her acting skills which I will rant on in another post .
I started to obsessively read again . It got to the point where I read all the books in my YA section of my library. Then I entered college and it was another ball game. I couldn't find time to read for pleasure and I didn't even have time to sleep! I felt as if something was missing. Like I was not myself anymore. But I got used to the routine and became accustomed to my schedule. Majority of my summer was spent reading because it was the only time I could relax( and not have a deadline looming over my head *sigh*) . And since then I have been steadily reading ever since.
I guess I knew that reading was important to me when I reached college. Not be able to read for pleasure or not at all, caused me to basically feel like a part of me was gone.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Trailer Thursday
Lately I have been addicted to book trailers and I can't get enough of them ( Especially the creative ones). HEre are some author/publishing produced ones and user created content videos as well. Some of these trailers sent chills up my sleeves (arms?) .
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Has to be one of the best book series I have ever read. A movie is also in the works.
Forever by Maggie Stiefvater
Forever has not been released yet but it will be soon( actually on July 12, 2011). The first book Shiver I am still reading it( and its awesome) and the second book Linger is still there. So far I am loving it but at first I didnt. But soon It grew on me.
Beautiful Creatures
I haven't read this book yet( I am planning to soon!) . All I have heard about this book are great things.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Has to be one of the best book series I have ever read. A movie is also in the works.
Forever by Maggie Stiefvater
Forever has not been released yet but it will be soon( actually on July 12, 2011). The first book Shiver I am still reading it( and its awesome) and the second book Linger is still there. So far I am loving it but at first I didnt. But soon It grew on me.
Beautiful Creatures
I haven't read this book yet( I am planning to soon!) . All I have heard about this book are great things.
What is Pottermore?
J.K. Rowling has done it again! As you may know of all bookers that the Harry Potter has taken root deeply embedded in our hearts as a classic. With the last movie coming out I thought J.K Rowling had no more aces up her sleeves but with Potter More this has changed completely.
What I had thought of before it was released I had I talked about in this post here. J.K. Rowling describes the site herself as "that builds on the exciting online experience around the reading of the Harry Potter books" . You can relive the books and even ..gasp.....get exclusive writings , audiobooks, and EBOOKS! of the Harry Potter series. Watch her here as J.k. Rowling herself describe pottermore word for word *drools*.
Currently you can sign up for the beta and be chosen to beta test the website in July before its released to the masses in October ( Month of Halloween *hint* hint*).
Head over to and sign up maybe one of us will be a lucky few to get into the beta test this July. *Crosses fingers*
Let the hyperventilation heart attacks, and probably bouts of insomnia begin! Mawahahaha!
**Please Note**: I am planning to do a blog/youtube series about the Harry Potter books because I am so excited! So please look forward to Harry Potter goodness and fan initiated screaming. *Screams*
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Farrah Penn Divergent Giveaway

Farrah Penn of is currently hosting a giveaway with a SIGNED COPY of Divergent by Veronica Roth! How exciting is that??????? You can join in at her blog located here.
This giveaway is running until July 1.
What are you waiting for? I say GO!.....Are you still here? I said GO!
You can see my non spoiler book review on this book located here
My Youtube Channel
Introducing my YouTube channel : Read Live Play
I am planning to host giveaways as well book reviews and of course tags on this channel. Post on my channel box what things you would love to see there . I have so many things planned for this channel and I really can't wait! Can you?
Waiting on Wednesday: June 22
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Wait? What ? More Harry Potter?
Thats right. These are my exact thought. J.K. Rowling just recently announced of a new mysterious site called No one knows what it is and what it contains. If you got to that website address you can click on the owls and will be sent to J.K. Rowling's youtube page saying anonymous message " THE OWLS ARE GATHERING" Find you why soon ( in exactly 13hours 48 mins and 15 secs by the time this is posted).
I have been trying to guess at what J.K. Rowling could be possibly revealing in a couple of hours. Is it the release of an rpg game? That would be cool hanging out with all the other Harry Potter friends in virtual realm left to our own magical devices (mwahahah!). Or maybe its release of more books which I have proclaimed it will cause hyperventilation heart attacks, and probably bouts of insomnia if there ever was an announcement.
What do you think J.K. Rowling has up her sleeves for the Potter Universe?
Summer is Here!: Summer Reading List 2011
Summer is officially here! Which means summer reading fun, fun and even more fun! Does that make any sense? Well to me it does. It spells out F-U-N!
Here is a couple of reading books I will have on my Summer Reading List.
Summer Reading Fun List !
1.Summer I turned Pretty Series by Jenny Han
2.The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare
3. Abandon by Meg Cabot
4.The Secret Circle by L.J. Smith
5. Beach Blondes by Katherine Applegate
6. Fire by Kristin Cashore
7.Across the Universe by Beth Ravis
The books I have here are not in any particular order. And these books presented here are the only the tip of the iceberg . I don't have all the books yet but I am planning to get them.
Whats on you
Teaser Tuesday: The Iron Duaghter by Julie Kagawa
The Iron Daughter bu Julie Kagawa
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Visit her blog here
Monday, June 20, 2011
Musing Mondays: June 20th
Musing Mondays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB on her blog here
This week’s musing asks…
Do you like movies made from books? Which ones do you think have been done well — kept mostly to the plot of the book, etc?
Some of my favorite books such as Eragon, Harry Potter, Ink heart have been made into movie is not necessary that they stick to the story line. I think if the movie can portray or even hint at the books intended meaning then its an ok movie for me. There is only so much you can fit into a 2 hour movie!
I think one of my favorite movies of all time (besides Harry Potter & Twilight) has to be the Golden Compass. I absolutely adored this movie and thought it came out better than the book. It really brought my imagination and I loved all the special a effects added in. It wasn't to pushy and didn't make me cringe.
Another one I felt was better as a movie was "The Girl with A Dragon Tattoo" . Personally for me the book made me yack. For me it was completely utterly boring. I really couldn't figure out if it was the writing style or the lack of proper translation to get the feeling across. But then again I was never the one for this type of genre.
That is what I like about books made into movies it brings our imagination to a whole new level, into a more visual sense of being. I admit some books into movies suck but thats another meme for another Monday.
Question of The Books:Which Fictional Character are you in Love With?
The Story Sirens In My Mailbox series that she runs every Sunday, had a book I was interested in. It was called the Vampire Stalker by Allison Van Diepen. She said it was about a girl how falls in love with a fictional character from a book but it turns the character is not really fictional at all but is actually real!
So I pose this questions to everyone:
You can post in the comments below or if you are a book blogger can post the link of your answer in the comments below. I will post my answer at the end of the week. I am really looking forward to everyone answers!
So I pose this questions to everyone:
You can post in the comments below or if you are a book blogger can post the link of your answer in the comments below. I will post my answer at the end of the week. I am really looking forward to everyone answers!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
ReVamping The Blog
Hi Everyone!
I was not being lax on my "uncalled" week off I am currently in the middle of revamping my site adding other nicks and quacks to my little blog on the bloggerworld. You can now see the new layout but I am still in the process of finishing it. Please look forward to better reviews,memes, and giveaways!
I was not being lax on my "uncalled" week off I am currently in the middle of revamping my site adding other nicks and quacks to my little blog on the bloggerworld. You can now see the new layout but I am still in the process of finishing it. Please look forward to better reviews,memes, and giveaways!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Book Review: Divergent by Veronica Roth
Divergent by Veronica Roth

Divergent by Veronica Roth had me reading and reading all the way to the end.I just couldn't put it down. The basic premise of the story is a girl who does not fit in with what her parents expect of her and wants to go her own way. She knows the path she has chosen is difficult but she is willing to go through with it even at the cost of never seeing her family again. Tris world is set in a dystopia world controlled by a government who never wants a war. Everyone is divided into 5 factions : Abnegation,Amity,Candor,Dauntless, Erudite. Each factions stands for trait that fits your personality. But there is a problem with that Tris is Divergent and know one must know.
I felt as if Beatrice as well as Tris has grown on me through out the novel. Beatrice has expreinced hardships and reshaping of her ingrained ideas of the world. Everything has changed now and has become Tris a but kicking tough Dauntless. She has learned to loved, cry, fight, as well as survive.
I think personally the reason why this YA read is riveting is because we too as young adults face these challenges. Perhaps not in the setting of a dystopian world but in a world where we try to figure out who we are and what we plan to do in the future.
I learned something from Tris. You are who you are and you should follow your dreams.
In Beatrice Prior's dystopian Chicago, society is divided into five factions, each dedicated to the cultivation of a particular virtue—Candor (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the peaceful), and Erudite (the intelligent). On an appointed day of every year, all sixteen-year-olds must select the faction to which they will devote the rest of their lives. For Beatrice, the decision is between staying with her family and being who she really is—she can't have both. So she makes a choice that surprises everyone, including herself.During the highly competitive initiation that follows, Beatrice renames herself Tris and struggles to determine who her friends really are—and where, exactly, a romance with a sometimes fascinating, sometimes infuriating boy fits into the life she's chosen. But Tris also has a secret, one she's kept hidden from everyone because she's been warned it can mean death. And as she discovers a growing conflict that threatens to unravel her seemingly perfect society, she also learns that her secret might help her save those she loves… or it might destroy her.
Divergent by Veronica Roth had me reading and reading all the way to the end.I just couldn't put it down. The basic premise of the story is a girl who does not fit in with what her parents expect of her and wants to go her own way. She knows the path she has chosen is difficult but she is willing to go through with it even at the cost of never seeing her family again. Tris world is set in a dystopia world controlled by a government who never wants a war. Everyone is divided into 5 factions : Abnegation,Amity,Candor,Dauntless, Erudite. Each factions stands for trait that fits your personality. But there is a problem with that Tris is Divergent and know one must know.
I felt as if Beatrice as well as Tris has grown on me through out the novel. Beatrice has expreinced hardships and reshaping of her ingrained ideas of the world. Everything has changed now and has become Tris a but kicking tough Dauntless. She has learned to loved, cry, fight, as well as survive.
I think personally the reason why this YA read is riveting is because we too as young adults face these challenges. Perhaps not in the setting of a dystopian world but in a world where we try to figure out who we are and what we plan to do in the future.
I feel like someone breathed new air into my lungs. I am not Abnegation. I am not Dauntless. I am Divergent. And I can't be controlled...
I learned something from Tris. You are who you are and you should follow your dreams.
- Divergent is the first book of the Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth. The second book should be out late 2011 or early 2012.
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