Hey there!
I think I know why you are here!
You want to learn more about me eh?
First thing first. I have to introduce myself.
Random Things About Me.
My Name is Tami.
I am 19 going on 20 .
I am currently a college student with a great love of books.
I talk a lot and I mean a lot! I try not to blog as much as I speak. Or you would be here for hours, days, maybe even weeks. ;)
I have terrible sweet tooth but I have it under control ( I think) . Many know me for frequently commenting on pictures of food ( I really love desserts). Oh yeah I'm a horrible cook so you can tell why I am so addicted . ( Don't be surprised when you see food inspired book reviews...)
I am very hyper active being. Yes thats what my friends like to describe me as HYPERACTIVE BEING. Because I am an entity unto myself.0o
I love writing and reading . Maybe not up to publishing a book or comparing to such great authors out there. But I love writing on my spare time. It makes me happy.
This is the music I listen to when I either write or read.