Friday, December 16, 2011

Follow Friday: December 15

Hi everyone I'm back again for my once in a month joining of the most awesome Follow Friday  Blog hop ever hosted by Parajunkee and Alison. Dont forget Ill be hopping all over the blogosphere! 

When you've read a book, what do you do with it? (Keep it, give it away, donate it, sell it, swap it..?)

Hmm... I usually either keep it or lend it to as many friends as possible after I gush about it. Sometimes I swap with some of my best friends with something equally as good.


  1. I would swap, but I'm wayyyy to protective of my books to let others read them and risk hurting them. Guess I love them too much! Great answer and happy Friday :)

    Here's my FF!

  2. I occasionally lend out books, but I'm somewhat anal about them staying in great condition, so I've learned I have several friends who can't borrow my stuff.

    New follower! Here's my FF:

  3. I like to gush about books too. Sometimes I really can't shut up about a book. LOL

    Here is my Follow Friday post

    Old follower =)

  4. New follower here! When it comes to books... I talk non stop. Unfortunately my friends don't share the same interests lol. Thank god for twitter and blogs!! I can talk books all day! :)

    Feel free to stop by my blog @

    Have a happy follow friday!

  5. Hi! I'm Izzy, and I'm stopping by for Follow Friday. Swapping sounds awesome! Unfortunately, not many of my friends are big readers.

    Izzy @ My Words Ate Me

  6. I keep most of my books, but I do lend one to my sister every once and a while!

    New Follower

    My FF

  7. I MIGHT MIGHT MIGHT lend. I have a process for my lending.
    stop by @
