Title: Lola and the Boy Next Door
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Format:Hardcover 338 pages
Publisher: Dutton
Price: $11.55-$11.98
Find it at: Amazon,B&N
Lola ( also known as Dorales) Is a girl who does not care what people think about her creativity. Her creativity being that dresses up in her “costumes”. I loved Lola not only as a character but as a person as well. I could sometimes relate to Lola and what she is feeling. Its easy to be the same as everyone else but its just as hard to be different,to stand out in a crowd. People look at you and start to stare and wonder why? Lola does not see these costumes as weird or wrong. She sees them as expressions of herself. It gives individuality and color to her life. I love her two love interests in the story as well. Two guys on a total different spectrum from each other both like Lola. The leader of rock band Lola’s boy next door like her Its not because she has “different” family or anything. Both like her for what she stands for “individuality and creativity”.
She has a dilemma should she go for the boy next door or her bad boy boyfriend? Too many people are coming back into her life. Lola loves change but what happens when its too much?
Just like I loved Anna and the French Kiss I almost loved Lola and the Boy next Door. I love how the author references past characters from her previous books. You get a sense of continuation from her previous stories while reading . I thought it was very clever and I give props to her for doing that. It seriously made me smile.
There are some outs as well. For some reason or the other, I just did not like Lola and the Boy Next door as much as Anna and the French Kiss. You would think that for someone who stems for creativity and being different I would have loved LTBN but I didnt. There was not enough of something compelling that pushed me to love this book ( 5 out of 5) . I thought it as a good read overall and something to pass the time.
I rate it:
Gonna put this on my reading list! Thanks for the review!